If you remember back to the beginning of this blog, you remember that the lead introduction to land acquisition was my adventure into leasing hunting land. This post will highlight some of the early hunting related experiences associated with our new timber farm acreage. Since it is a discussion about hunting, there will be discussions and pictures of dead animals so proceed with caution!
We purchased our property in the third week of October, and one of the first things I did was to set up a ground blind on an old logging deck (currently upgraded to food plot 2). It was nothing but sand and slash timber. Some corn was thrown on the far side.
Within a week I had my first deer! It was a button buck but it was my first deer from our land! I was ecstatic. It provided some good eating too. Can you say “deer fajitas”? Chris, Brad, and Rob hunted deer over Thanksgiving. It was extremely cold. No deer seen. I hunted deer off and on for the rest of the season and never saw another one.
One of the exciting things about having flooded timber on our property is the potential for hunting waterfowl. Some geese, wood ducks, and mallards were seen so there was hope. Unfortunately no ducks or geese harvested……Yet!!
Remember the NWTF involvement? Well there are in fact turkeys; lots of turkeys. Gobblers, hens, poults. Trailcam revealed a gobbler on what is now plot 2 in the middle of the day. I left work at noon, set up a chair blind and decoys, did some calling.
A gobbler came strutting up the plot giving a great show. My shot was true and I had my first turkey ever!
Other hunting opportunities included small game, and doves. I see a bright hunting future on our farm.
Things should only get better as our habitat improvements evolve.
Good stuff Keith – I’m enjoying reading about your adventure or maybe a better term would be “a work in progress”
Thanks Al. Being stuck home with chickenpox has given me time to teach myself some new stuff!